New Course Accreditation Application

Choose the above option if you are applying for a course to be accredited for the first time or if you wish to amend or update your course information


Annual Accreditation Subscription Payments and Renewals Fee (includes accreditation fee and cost is based on the number of teachers who will  also receive membership which is included in this price)

Click Here: 

To Setup your Annual Accreditation Subscription Payment


Colleges & New Acupuncture & TCM Courses Requiring Acupuncture Society Accreditation

(Acupuncture Society Accreditation Board)

Board Accreditation Criteria

Course accreditation

There will be a charge of £200 annually (which includes accreditation and annual review and 1 teachers acupuncture society membership),  further teachers need to become members of the society at a cost of £100 per year each, please inform us of their names and contact details

Graduates qualifying from your accredited courses will be able to apply and join the Acupuncture Society,  use the title MAcS after their names,  get preferential insurance quotes as well as other membership benefits

Copies of your course material and handbooks including course content, objectives, examination criteria/methods and course leaders qualifications must be attached to this form in docx, xls or pdf format

We require all course leaders/teachers on our accredited courses to become members of the Acupuncture Society and course graduates of these courses will be accepted as members after their application process has been completed see:

Students must obtain student insurance from our insurers Holistic prior to attending courses which can be converted to practitioner insurance once they have been qualified

also they will need to submit the student membership form on the acupuncture society website prior to starting your course (once qualified and full verified membership obtained they can quote their membership number to holistic to convert their student insurance to practitioner status)

student cover will only cover them for treatments during course hours and course home assignments

Skills for Requirements

Advertising Standards Authority Requirements

Application Accreditation Criteria

Data Protection Requirements

All course accreditation applicants must meet with the Society registrar to discuss course content, objectives/outcomes and examination criteria/methods and are advised as to what is required.

The registrar discusses the application and its merits/failings with the acupuncture society accreditation board.
The board is composed of 3 society fellows who make judgements as to the appropriateness of the course, its location, content and the qualification of its teachers/course leaders. The Board cannot contain fellows who are course leaders of any courses being discussed for accreditation

As Acupuncture is a therapy-based subject we accept course leaders with at least 10 years clinical experience as practitioners, teaching qualifications without clinical experience as a practitioner are not acceptable.

Following scrutiny of the application documents, if any failings are detected, then recommendations will be made to the applicant so that they can remedy any short comings in their documentation; if the society accreditation recommendations are not met within 3 months then an application will be declined and re application would be necessary.

Course accreditation applicants must re re-apply annually and meet the registrar discuss course documents and outcomes from the previous year. Recommendations will be made to the re applicants after discussions have taken place the accreditation board and they will be advised accordingly if there are any further or new recommendations to which they should adhere and any further documentation in this event should be re submitted the society.

Students will also need to read and respond to the following where appropriate prior to course commencement


The list below is a student safety guide used prior undertaking an acupuncture society accredited course. We aim to protect the health and safety of students in training and also those they practise on during and after the course.

If you suffer from any of the conditions listed below or other conditions which have not been included that you feel are relevant, please inform us prior to class treatments so that we can assess you suitability for such treatment.

Where there is any doubt please consult your GP.

– A recent operation
– An untreated medical condition
– Severe Bone or joint disorders (rheumatoid/osteoarthritis, osteoporosis)
– Cardiovascular disorders (high blood pressure, heart / circulatory disease, thrombosis)
– Diabetes
– Endocrine disorders
– Epilepsy
– Drug addiction or recent use of cocktails of recreational and prescribed drugs and or excessive alcohol consumption
– Medication
– Pregnancy (or post natal)
– Severe skin disorders
– Severe mental illness
– Spinal injuries
– Prone to fainting
– If you suffer from infectious diseases like hepatitis b or HIV

You must also have eaten about 2 hours prior to treatment (please inform tutor if you haven’t

– If there anything else we should know about your health, please let the tutor know.
– The same proceeding is required prior to treating your clients or during assignments

We will also need full details of your course syllabus and copies of your manuals and therapy contra indications which you give to students before commencement of the course

Course leaders/colleges will need to give a written undertaking that if a course is not completed or cancelled all student fees will be returned in full

Society members with criminal records must disclose these in full to
the registrar

Society members must demonstrate sufficient command of the English
language to be able to carry out one’s work adequately and comply with local authority health safety and licencing requirements, carry full indemnity insurance and complete the required CPD course hours annually which are to be submitted on our CPD log form

Enquiries please email
Tel/Txt; 07734668402


Acupuncture Accreditation Board

Application for Course Accreditation



CCM 3 Year TCM Course Accreditation in 1998


The Acupuncture Society Accreditation Board began its work in 1998 and has been setting high standards
of training and practice in acupuncture and TCM.

The ASAB ensures that accredited colleges keep up to date with new
professional and academic standards in Traditional Chinese medicine.

Standards adopted by the ASAB are in line with other professionals in
the field.

The ASAB follows closely and adopts any new emerging industry standards
which are to be undertaken by accredited colleges.

The College of Chinese Medicine and other accredited courses and Colleges have also complied with the above criteria

The ASAB Accreditation of the College of Chinese

The ASAB Accreditation of the College of Chinese
Medicine began in spring 1998.

The objective of the accreditation process was to ensure that the
College and its syllabus:

A) Preserved its original character combining Chinese Acupuncture,
Herbal Medicine, Ancient Chinese with Modern Western Diagnosis

B) That the procedure was established to enable the course to be
regularly updated in line with others in the profession

C) That the Western Bio Science content was to be taught by experts in
each field

D) That the College should begin using industry standards of Mandarin
for Herbs and point numbers for Acupuncture

E) That the course should be practical and included all students
regular access to College Teaching Clinic

ASAB has been evaluating and regulating
the College of Chinese Medicine since 1998.

The Acupuncture Society is a non profit company and the Societies
register has been in existence since 1998


ASAB members operate independantly and have honarary unpaid positions and board membership may change from time to time to avoid conflicts of interest

The Acupuncture Society Accreditation Board consists of 2 Society members a lay

The Board annually revues its stated objectives
against the achieved outcome made by accredited colleges and courses on annual review

Board members with criminal records must disclose these in full to
the registrar and must demonstrate sufficient command of the English
language to be able to carry out one’s work adequately

Accreditation procedure

Each spring since 1998 Acupuncture Accreditation Board officers have
met with representatives of the College of Chinese medicine to set
achievement targets the outcome of which are monitored at subsequent
annual meetings.Acupuncture Society Accreditation board officer’s serve on a voluntary basis
and are not paid for their efforts

Accreditation officer powers

Officers may sit in on any lectures, question lecturers, can request
syllabus information, inspect college records, talk to students and
examine examination records, they may consult with experts to be
informed of up to date movements within the industry.The College or any other Colleges or courses undergoing accreditation are obliged under the terms of the this process not
to restrict or impede officers carrying out their enquiries and are expected to act on their recommendations

Accredited TCM Curriculum for The College of Chinese Medicine

Course outline

This is a part-time,
degree-level diploma course which provides professional training in
acupuncture, diagnosis and traditional Chinese medicine that prepares
students for modern professional life.  It combines theory and
practice to ensure that students are proficient in modern Western
medical sciences as well as traditional Chinese medicine.
Emphasis is placed on developing students as competent and
confident  therapists with a caring and compassionate attitude.
The course is run on a
part-time basis over a period of three years, plus three additional
months of clinical attachment in the fourth year. Classes are held over
21 weekends per year, with additional pre-specified days for
introductions and inductions, and for clinical attachment.
Assessment is by coursework and
clinical work as well as written exams, and is done on an ongoing
basis. On completion of the course and upon passing final exams,
students will be awarded a Certificate by the College and will be
eligible to apply for membership to The Acupuncture Society.
Below is an outline of the twelve main modules covered by the course,
and the number of hours assigned to each.
MODULE Contact hours Home study Total
Anatomy and Physiology 70 180 250
Plant Chemistry and Pharmacology 52.5 125 177.5
Nutrition 17.5 45 62.5
Clinical Medicine I and II 122.5 245 367.5
TCM Theory 77 210 287
Traditional Diagnosis and Treatment I & II 122.5 367.5 490
Acupuncture I, II and III 182 546 728
Chinese Herbal Medicine I, II and III 175 525 700
Acupressure Massage 28 56 84
Practitioner Research 21 42 63
Practitioner Development & Ethics 14 28 42
Clinical Practice 420 840 1020
TOTAL 1,302 3,209.5 4,511.5


Twenty weekends plus one weekend of introduction Ten additional days of
clinical attachment (80 hours)
One day First Aid course(AM and PM college sessions are each 3.5 hours in duration, and
clinical attachment days are 8 hours in duration)MODULES COVERED1. Anatomy and Physiology
2. Plant Chemistry and Pharmacology
3. Nutrition
4. TCM Theory
5. Chinese Herbal Medicine I
6. Acupuncture I
7. Clinical Practice I

Weekends 2 – 16 on alternate weekends:

1st weekend Saturday Sunday
AM Anatomy & Physiology TCM Theory
PM Anatomy & Physiology Chinese Herbal Medicine I
2nd weekend
AM Plant Chemistry & Pharmacology TCM Theory
PM Plant Chemistry & Pharmacology Acupuncture I

Weekends 17 – 21 on alternate weekends:

1st weekend Saturday Sunday
AM Anatomy & Physiology TCM Theory
PM Anatomy & Physiology Chinese Herbal Medicine I
2nd weekend
AM Nutrition TCM Theory
PM Nutrition Acupuncture I


Twenty one weekends
Ten additional days of clinical attachment (80 hours)MODULES COVERED1. Clinical Medicine I
2. Traditional Diagnosis and Treatment I
3. Chinese Herbal Medicine II
4. Acupuncture II
5. Acupressure Massage
7. Clinical Practice II

Weekends 1 – 19 on alternate weekends:

1st weekend Saturday Sunday
AM Clinical Medicine I Acupuncture II
PM Clinical Medicine I Chinese Herbal Medicine II
2nd weekend
AM Traditional Diagnosis I Acupuncture II
PM Traditional Diagnosis I Chinese Herbal Medicine II

Weekends 20 – 21

Saturday Sunday
AM Acupressure Massage Acupressure Massage
PM Acupressure Massage Acupressure Massage


Twenty one weekends Twenty additional days of clinical attachment (160
hours)MODULES COVERED1.Clinical Medicine II
2. Traditional Diagnosis II
3. Chinese Herbal Medicine III
4. Acupuncture III
5. Practitioner Research
6. Practitioner Development, Ethics and Dynamics of Private Practice
7. Clinical Practice III

Weekends 1 – 16

1st weekend Saturday Sunday
AM Clinical Medicine II Acupuncture III
PM Clinical Medicine II Chinese Herbal Medicine III
2nd weekend
AM Traditional Diagnosis I Acupuncture III
PM Traditional Diagnosis I Chinese Herbal Medicine III

Weekends 17 – 19

Saturday Sunday
AM Practitioner Research Acupuncture III
PM Practitioner Research Chinese Herbal Medicine III

Weekends 20 – 21

Saturday Sunday
AM Practitioner Development & Ethics Acupuncture III
PM Practitioner Development & Ethics Chinese Herbal Medicine III


FOURTH YEAR – post graduation

The forth year comprises of 100 hours of supervised clinical work and
individual case study projects. There are 3 meetings on a one-to-one
basis for analysis and discussion on the students work.Course Particulars
1. Course Length
The course satisfies the length requirements of the Acupuncture Society
Accreditation Board for Acupuncture and TCM Education.
Lecture Hours Clinic Hours Home Study
Year 1: 294 80 871
Year 2: 294 80 907.5
Year 3: 294 160 951
Year 4: 100 200
Total: 882 420 3,209.5 4511.5
2. Completion Certificate
Successful students are awarded a Certificate from the College.
3. Relationship to Purpose
The College has designed its curriculum to explicitly meet its
educational objectives, and is committed to an ongoing process of
improvement and refinement to the course
4. Quality of Learning, and Quality of Teaching
Please refer to curriculum
5. Professional Conduct and Safe Practice
The Acupuncture Society’s Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations has
been fully adopted by the College, and is taught and assessed as part
of a Year 3 Module Practitioner Development & Ethics..
6. Clinical Teaching
Please refer to curriculum.
7. Professional Competencies

The College places great emphasis on patient-centred education firmly
based in clinical practice, and fully embraces the Acupuncture
Society’s standards for professional competence.

Regular student evaluation identifies potential areas for improvement
to tutorial support.

2018 CCM 2-3 year Part or Full time Chinese Acupunture, Diagnosis and Herbal Medicne Degree Level Diploma Course

Outcomes Options Contact Hours

The College of Chinese Medicine 2 Year (with optional 3rd year advanced clinical experience) Chinese Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine & Diagnosis Degree Level  Diploma Course – Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Entrance Requirements

Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology

2 year course option

Total Contact hours: 240 (6 hours x 40 Contact Days)

Total Home study 1040 (10 hours per week over 2 years)

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 1280 (over 2 years)

Clinical Hours 120 over 2 years

*Optional clinical attachment 160 hours per year (see below)


To understand and gain anatomical, locational and functional knowledge of 14 meridians with extra focus on the major and most effective acupoints contained within them as well as all microsystems acupuncture systems


To study traditional acupoint formulations for commonly effective conditions and learn how to construct acupoint formulations within the meridian system and how to combine this with microsystems acupuncture, cupping, infrared, moxa, magnetism, needle manipulations and electro acupoint stimulation and acupressure

Traditional Chinese Theory and Diagnosis:

To gain competence and efficacy in knowledge and understanding of Yin Yang, Five Elements, Eight Principles, Pulse, Face, Tongue, Eye and other Chinese Traditional Diagnostic methods, Syndromes and combinations of Syndromes.  To understand through homework research of western concepts and treatments vs. TCM concepts and treatments of similar conditions History of Chinese medicine and discussion of different concepts through various time epochs.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

To study and gain detailed knowledge of 200 common used herbs, including Mandarin and pharmaceutical names, medical uses, Traditional TCM uses, contraindication and combinations of herbs best used together in formulation common conditions known to be most effective and useful, common classical formulas, formulation skills, ancient physician styles and classical herbal formulations  

Ethical Practice:

To gain awareness of health and safety, safe, legal and ethical practice, national occupational standards, record keeping, advertising standards, data protection, local authority licensing, insurance etc.

Assessment methods:

Online meridian point function, theory and anatomical tests for all major acupoints and 14 meridians, as well as microsystems of Ear ,Scalp, Abdomen, hand and Face, also including, contraindications, health and safety etc.

Monthly tests on previous months topics including herbs, acupuncture and diagnosis and how to combine this to create effective formulation

Monthly oral testing in class on previous months topics and open discussion where lack of understanding is noted by the tutor.

Monthly submission of students research on each monthly topic from a western medical  vs. TCM view, to include medical treatments and diagnostic theories, as well Chinese traditional acupuncture and herbal formulas, theories and treatments for similar conditions discussed in those topics.  Herbs, formulation and acupoints which were chosen for inclusion in this research homework submission must also be analysed, and the student needs to explain why each TCM formula component was used

Successful completion of end of 1st year testing requirements prior to graduating to 2nd year

End of 2nd year musculoskeletal and traditional acupuncture meridian with diagnosis written exams

Successful completion of all microsystems acupuncture online tests to include KHT, Scalp, Turtle abdomen, Face and Cosmetic.

Herbal medicine and diagnosis and treatment exam

Checking of required completion standards of all of the course monthly assignment submission

Practical clinical aptitude, needling technique, bedside and professional manner, diagnosis and treatment, and health and safety protocols are also regularly assessed and corrected by the course tutor during clinical time which accounts for approximately half of our contact hours

3rd Year and additional clinical experience

Study of 500 hospital case studies from Chinese TCM/Medical hospitals, submission of research summaries of these studies

Total Contact hours: 560 (including 2 years clinical option)

Total Home study 1352

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 1912

Additional clinical time

*contact hours

160 (4 hours per day over 40 days)

Home study

312 (6 hours per week)

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 472 (over 1 year)

Optional clinical attachment 160 hours per year

Full time 2 year course

Total Contact hours: 560 (including 2 years clinical option)

Total Home study 1352

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 1912

Addition years of clinical experience can be added to the above total at the below pro rata rate subject to length of time attended

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 472 (over 1 year)

Optional clinical attachment 160 hours per year